
katie jo

I have this sister named Katie. She is the middle child and is right above me. Right above me in many ways. 

Some of my favorite memories with Katie start from a wee young age of the single digits. Back when we shared a room. She was the best story teller. Most nights she would tell Lindsay and me stories. She would give us a synopsis of three different stories that she would make up on the spot and we would get to choose one story for her to tell. We loved the mysteries. 

 Katie and I used to go on bike rides all the time. She would ride on her big purple bike and I would follow her on my little pink bike. We would ride around the neighborhood, stopping at the neighbor's mailboxes to fill our bike tanks with gas. Cheapest gas I've ever gotten.

We were cute...

Years and years later, we transitioned from riding bikes and getting free gas at mailboxes to driving cars and spending four bucks on a gallon of gas. 
We both went to Utah State where we would go to dinner together weekly, usually at Panda Express and then we'd grab a small bite of ice cream at Coldstone. In the dead of winter. Now for anyone who knows Katie, this is quite significant. Katie thinks any temperature under 80 degrees is cold.

I would have to dub Katie the Snapchat queen. Her snaps really are the funniest. I would love to post some but I won't for fear of retribution.
Fall 2011
Katie's really good at calming me down when I'm stressed. She helps me realize my problems are nbd. So, that's a good thing. Katie is also very blunt and confident and even once told me that "any man that marries into this family will be marrying up".
So, there ya go. We're a pretty neat bunch.


  1. I agree. To marry into your family would definitely be marrying up. I tried, myself, once.....alas I am not a man so that just doesn't add up.

  2. This is kinda mushy, but I really do have the cutest little sisters out there, especially when you was all little :)
