i've been going to the school gym a lot.
encounter 1.
me: 'hi, how are you?'
boy who scans my card to get into the gym scans my card, doesn't look at me, and mumbles something.
encounter 2.
me: 'hi, how are you?'
girl who scans my card to get into the gym scans my card, looks at me like, confused, and whispers 'hi'.
these people who scan my card to get into the school gym are, in fact, not middle schoolers. they're college students. i wish that adults could look someone in the eye when they are spoken to, and were polite enough to smile and say back, 'good, how are you?'
but, alas, people are retarded.
how did that girl who scanned my card ever get married? (she was in my ward last year)
how did that guy who scanned my card ever make friends? (i don't know that he actually has any, i'm just guessing)
people have no courtesy these days. all the people that work at the gym scanning cards do... is scan cards. and also sit on the computer and facebook.
what qualifies someone for such a job? you don't have to have any skills except knowing how to scan cards. so wouldn't you at least try to find someone who knows how to smile?
i can only imagine what their interviews are like.
interviewer: 'what's your name?'
interviewee: *looks down at his toes* 'jor......'
how did he get hired?
one day, when i'm feeling bold and brash, i'm going to ask the card scanner why they hate their job so much. and why they hate people.