
Kilby Court

Is an excellent place. And that's where Erica and I went on Friday the 14th night to see The Continentals play their last show with Erik, the drummer.

Before they started, we walked down the street and found a soggy couch, a wall of graffiti, and some tires.

When they were setting up, we pushed our way to the front because we are short. They played an excellent show and almost broke some instruments.

Then some balding guy named Danburry played. He was pretty good. He had free cd's, so Erica and I both got 3.

During this evening we found out some funny information:

Ben and the ticket/concessions girl are secretly in love.
Logan likes to get in touch with his feminine side.

Jordan hates it when I take pictures of him.

Erica can float.

We're pretty cool.

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