Was a good year, I'd say. 2010.
I bought my first pair of heels this year. That's kind of a big deal, considering I'm a shrimpo. Atleast compared to my family.
Andrew got married in April. And his wife is pretty cool. Good thing, cause she got 4 new sisters. And you know how girls can be.
Megan and I went on a bunch of photoshoots this year, so as to improve our photography skills while having nice bff bonding time. We hung out a ton and I miss it.
I went to India for 6 weeks. Near the end I wanted to go home so bad and I swore I'd never miss it. But, I do. I really, really do. I miss the kids, the music, the food, the mall, the shopping, riding with Jailsingh on his motorcycle, the auto's, even the nasty streets.
I've played my guitar this semester more than I ever have, I think. I played a lot in high school... but not this much. I love it. I'm learning tons of new songs and writing some. I feel like I've improved a lot, too.
Katie got back from her mission in Boston. I love hanging out with her because we almost never fight. She's been home for one month and we've only gotten cross with each other once, which hardly counts.
I got Lasik eye surgery last week. It was absolutely terrifying. Everyone said that it was super quick and easy and painless. They lied. After my first eye I wanted to ask them if I could cry for 5 minutes before they did my other eye. But I didn't. And they moved right on to the next eye. I made it through though. Katie did it right before me, so it was nice that we did everything together afterwards.
Those are some highlights of 2010. There are many more, but these are the ones I can think of.