So remember George? Well, turns out he doesn't mind weird people like myself. In fact, turns out he likes them. Also, turns out his name is really Brian. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind being called George.
On Friday we went to Ensign Peak to watch the sunset. We hiked the treacherous trail to the top. 15 whole minutes of hiking! There were tons of little kids and families at the top learning all about how pioneers came to that spot long ago and then Utah became a thing.
As it got darker, the kids started leaving. Then there were couples everywhere just waiting for it to get dark so they could start making out. We decided to be hipsters and go against the mainstream, so we left. Once it got dark, all the city lights were on and I loved it. You can see the whole daggum valley! Pictures were hard to get due to low shutter speed making it blurry. But don't worry, I got some good pictures of the sunset.
So anyways.
Holy Crap! Those pictures of the sunset are making me jelly. And the people? Not bad either.